“Community Books” OER Model for Developing Countries

I believe that the solution is multifaceted and involves governments, institutions, teachers, parents, learners and civil society organizations working together towards a better future for the peoples. Since I’m in a transition period in my career, I thought I’d give this some serious thought. This led to the conceptualization of the “Community Books” OER model.

My first DIY 360-Video Shoot

VR is a hot topic in the education circles these days, and for good reason. With access increasing and cost decreasing, technology has finally enabled us to use VR in an effective manner to deliver teaching and learning in immersive environments. Some of you might remember my tweets on strapping a 360-degree camera to my head during my first immersive video shoot in Banff, Canada. Following up, I thought I’d tell you how it went.

Searching and Locating OER: Barriers to the Wider Adoption of OER for Teaching in Asia

This research paper discusses how Asia fares with respect to searching and locating desirable OER and whether it is truly a barrier to the wider adoption of OER for teaching in the region. Abeywardena, I. S., Dhanarajan, G., & Chan, C.S. (2012). Searching and Locating OER: Barriers to the Wider Adoption of OER for Teaching … Continue reading Searching and Locating OER: Barriers to the Wider Adoption of OER for Teaching in Asia

OER in the Commonwealth

In this video Dr Ishan Abeywardena, Adviser: Open Educational Resources at the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) Canada, summarizes the findings of the "OER in the Commonwealth 2016" study. This session was delivered during the Asia Regional Consultation on Open Educational Resources (http://rcoer.col.org) held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (November 2016). The Regional Consultations on OER are … Continue reading OER in the Commonwealth

The Failure of Access: Rethinking Open Education

The use of open re-use licenses and Internet technologies have long promised to reduce barriers to education by making it more distributed, equitable, and open. Indeed, the promise of open education can trace its roots to the the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the United Nations 1948, which states ”everyone has a right … Continue reading The Failure of Access: Rethinking Open Education

Open Educational Resources in Asia

Abeywardena, I. S., & Dhanarajan, G. (2012). Open Educational Resources in Asia. Proceedings of the Symposium on E-learning and Open Educational Resources: Practices and new initiatives organised by the Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK), 18th April 2012, Hong Kong. https://youtu.be/_3Qq0PZ40QU Recording and slides available at http://oer.ouhk.edu.hk/2012.php

Examining Good Practices and Case Studies on OER-Based Learning

This is a video presentation on the topic "Examining Good Practices and Case Studies on OER-Based Learning" delivered at the National Consultation on Open Educational Resources, New Delhi, India organized by UNESCO, the Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) and Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). The presentation covers three case studies on oer reuse/remix in developing ODL course material.